Balcony Views

Balcony Views

When I first moved to Brighton I was extremely lucky to find a small studio flat with a balcony overlooking the varying rooftops of Brighton and Hove. Many mornings and evenings were spent sat on a small dining room chair on this balcony watching the world go past, whilst writing down ideas for projects.

The balcony also provided a small 1m x 1m viewfinder of the sea nestled between neighbouring flats, which is more than enough to whip a sea-lovin’ guy like myself into a frenzy.

Balcony Views Balcony Views

More work

The Nix book illustration
The Little Prince
Great Outdoors map illustration
Watership Down
Make Art Monthly - Door
Seabird Illustration
Rude Dog
Bertie baby illustration
The ghost who stole my heart
Spunky Beaver can design
Shoreham-by-sea badge